Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Best Prayer I Ha

 The Best Prayer I Have Heard In A Long Time...Heavenly Father, Help us rememberthat the jerk who cut us off in trafficlast night is a single mother whoworked nine hours that day andis rushing home to cook dinner,help with homework,do the laundry and spend afew precious momentswith her children.Help us to remember that thepierced, tattooed, disinterestedyoung man who can't makechange correctly is a worried19-year-old college student,balancing his apprehensionover final exams with hisfear of not getting hisstudent loans for next semester.Remind us, Lord,that the scary looking bum,begging for money in the samespot every day (who really oughtto get a job!) is a slave to addictionsthat we can only imagine in ourworst nightmares.Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyinglyslow through the store aislesand blocking our shoppingprogress are savoring thismoment, knowing that,based on the biopsy reportshe got back last week, thiswill be the last year that theygo shopping together.Heavenly Father,remind us each day that,of all the gifts you give us,the greatest gift is love.It is not enough to sharethat love with thosewe hold dear.Open our hearts not tojust those who areclose to us,but to all humanity.Let us be slow to judgeand quick to forgive,show patience,empathy andlove.

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