Friday, November 11, 2005

Sacred Moment

Sacred Moment

May I open ever more to the flowand the miracle of this sacred moment;May I open ever more to the subtle whisperings of Spirit and of my heart.
May I frequently stop, connect with all of us,and breathe the Web of Love;Your sacred love flows into me,my sacred love flows out to you.
May I recognize and acknowledgejudgment, competition, and arrogance whenit arises in me, and then choose totransform it into acceptance and love.
I commit to see in you the absolute divinitythat you are in this very moment! May I be real and authentic in my interactionswith myself and with all in my life.
When I find myself in a rush, may I stopuntil I’m ready to move from my heart;When I’m overly serious, may I find ways to tickle my heart to joy and laughter.
May I recognize fearas an invitation to growth;In connecting with others, may my first andlast thought always be that of love. ~By Fred Burks

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