Monday, October 10, 2005


cut down the morning chaos by doing as much as you can the night before. Write absence notes, bus notes, trip permission slips. Lay out clothes, fix lunches, distribute lunch money, book-order money. It doesn't take long.

While you are cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, set the table for breakfast, put out jams, cereals, and any other non-refigerated items; you'll have that much less to do in the morning.

Making life easier:

Allow time for making up the beds and tidying the house in the morning.(As well as, the children making their beds in the morning.) It makes coming home much more pleasant---and sets an example for others in the household.

Keep a bookcase near the back door. Assign each child a shelf on which to assemble lunch, homework, gym clothes, and so on. In the morning, they can pick up everything quickly as they depart the house; in the afternoon, they can drop their belongings there.

Setup a way station:

Set up a way station for the consolidation in one place of schoolbooks, laundered clothes, toys, mail and other odds and ends. Once a day, have your kids pick up thier belongings from the way station and take them to their rooms. Designate a chair, box, or basket for this purpose and locate it where they can't ignore it.

Designate one bookshelf specifically for library books and make sure your children return all such books to this shelf. This saves a lot of searching for library books that might get scattered around the house or mixed with your own.

Keep a money dish handy for your small change so that you won't be caught short when someone going out the door suddenly needs last minute funds.

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