Monday, October 10, 2005


It all comes down to a place for everything and everything has its place.
Just as soon as it comes into the house.

Otherwise, you'll put it somewhere "for now", but it will really be their forever.

Before you buy something, ask yourself,"Where am I going to put it?" and make sure that you have a clearly defined place in mind.

An "I don't know-what-it-is" box can be a tremendous help. This is for orphan socks and gloves and all those important-looking but unidentifiable machinary parts, nuts, and bolts you find lying about. From time to time, sort the contents and dump whatever appears useless into the trash. Kepp items used together near one another--for example, tennis rackets, balls, sneakers, and other tennis equipment together. Store these related items at or near the place where you use them.

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